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What Should You Do If You Think You Witness Animal Cruelty?

If you are a witness to animal cruelty please do not hesitate to contact

the Vernon Police Department at (940) 553-3311

or the Wilbarger Sheriff’s Office (940) 552-6205.

You may also contact the Wilbarger Humane Society.

We will forward the information to the proper law enforcement agency.

Our telephone is (940) 552-5373.

Animal cruelty is a crime in Texas, and is defined as follows:

                     A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly :


1. Tortures or seriously overworks an animal
2. Fails unreasonably to provide necessary food, water, care or shelter for an animal in his custody
3. Abandons unreasonably an animal in his custody
4. Transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner
5. Kills, injures, or administers poison to an animal, ……

       belonging to another without legal authority or the owner’s effective consent
6. Causes one animal to fight with another, or
7. Uses a live animal as a lure in dog race training or in dog coursing


Law Enforcement depends greatly on input from the community for information concerning suspected animal cruelty.

The investigation officers are best able to perform their duties when provided with detailed descriptions of the suspected abuse :

* What type of incident or incidents did you witness?
* Who was involved in the incident(s)?
* When the incident(s) took place
* Where did the incident(s) occur?

 Any details that you are able to provide will increase the chances of seeing that the law is upheld, and that the animals are rescued.

* What - Can you describe the incident or incidents of animal cruelty that you think you witnessed,

                including type, number, and description of the animals involved?
* Who - Can you provide a description of the person or persons involved in the incident(s)?
* When - Date and time of the suspected incident(s) of abuse.
* Where - Any and all information concerning the location of the incident(s) will be of primary importance.

If possible, please provide :
*  Street Address, including cross streets
*  ZIP codes
*  Landmarks, including business names and apartment complex names

Complainant information is not released, and every measure will be taken to ensure your confidentiality.

Contact information is very helpful to investigators when background information is needed.

If you are a witness to animal cruelty please do not hesitate to contact

the Vernon Police Department at (940) 553-3311

or the Wilbarger Sheriff’s Office (940) 552-6205.

You may also contact the Wilbarger Humane Society.

We will forward the information to the proper law enforcement agency.

Our telephone is (940) 552-5373.

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